
25 November 2008

The Introduction.

New blog.  It may happen this time.  Or it won't.  Suspense is fun.

Speaking of things and stuff, the word of the day today is introduction /ĭn,·trə·dŭk'·shən/. Cool word, eh?  Intro- + duc + -tion.  Intro- <= inter = Latin for "into, within"; duc <= ducere = Latin for "to lead"; -tion = a suffix indicating the word's a noun formed from a verb (defined in dictionaries as "The act of..." or "The result of...").

So, quite literally, introduction = lead-in.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I simply cannot wait to see how this unfolds. Truly, this will be a dump zone from which, one will not want to stay.
