
24 February 2009

Pronunciation Guide

I recently realized that I have been throwing characters like ä, ū, and ə at you without ever explaining what I mean by them. So that's what this is.
əabout, taken, pencil, eloquent, supply, sibyl
ūzoom, dune
khJuárez, lechaim

*/ä/ sounds almost the same as /ŏ/, but I'm going to keep them both.
†I'm considering representing the /kh/ sound as /x/ instead. Which is less confusing?

23 February 2009

Today is Cool

monday 23 by sunfall festivalHey, guess what. Today is Monday 23!

What?, you don't get it.

Well, then, here's it —--—›


I've not done a Word of the Day for a lot of days. Enclosed, please find one.

The word today is revolution /rĕ,və·lū'shən/. It's three parts: re- + volu + -tion. re- = again (and has since Latin); volu <= volvere = latin for "to roll"; -tion = a suffix that makes a noun from a verb.

Interestingly, the verb with which revolution is related is revolve. This is interesting because of the UV transformation. I think this probably is a result of certain things the Romans did. Many old Roman texts are written in ALL CAPS. ADDITIONALLY, THEY WOULDN'T ADDANYSPACESANDVERYLITTLEPUNCTUATION·IFTHEYGOTTOTHEENDOFTHELINETHEYDJUSTKEEPGOINGONTHENEXTONE. Look here. Anyway, here's the important bit: Because they wrote with a chisel or stylus (stylus is Latin for "A special-shaped stick used for writing"), the letters were often rather rectilinear. The Us, consequently, would all look like Vs.

Also, the Romans never really had J until late-later. Like, the first emperor probably wrote IULIUSCEASAR on his homework as a kid.


12 February 2009

Happy Birthday!!

There are a few special people whom I think deserve mention today:

It's Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin!

Both are 200 years old today!! (They were born 12 February 1809; They could have been, like, buds!, y'know?  But they had different jobs to do, I guess.)

To these two guys—and to anyone else out there who is celebrating her or his birth today—

Happy Birthday!!!

(Hmm, ... because we often use the suspension point (or elipsis, or "dot dot dot" or
...) as a pause in speech, I think we should show a pause for dramatic effect with !!!.)

I guess we should have told you earlier !!! you're adopted.)

10 February 2009

Mostly for Olivia : My Haircut

When I got my haircut, I took some before-and-after-ish pictures, which you (Olivia) mentioned that you wanted to see.  Here are the good matches:

09 February 2009

The Fourth

I'm supposed to post "the fourth photo of my fourth album". I'm not sure exactly what that means, so I'll just pick some.

This is the fourth photo from my phone.  It's from somewhere in the Wilk up at BYU, I think.

This is the fourth picture on my iPod.  I believe my dad took this with his phone.  I'm thinking that it was perhaps at a cub scout olympics, or something like that, although I'm not quite certain.

This one probably qualifies best. This is technically the fifth photo from the fourth folder of pictures from my digital camera, but, because it is almost identical to the fourth, and since the fourth was not a very good picture, I chose to post this one instead.

01 February 2009


Thoughts on my assignment, since opening my call:

Will I speak Chinese with a British accent?, or will I still sound decidedly American by the time I get home? And what about English?, y'know? Will I get to learn more German? Spanish? French?

Will Travis be able to teach me anything before I go?

Will my debit card work?

I'll be driving on the left side of the road, and the right side of the car. What if my left hand isn't up the the challenge? Like, shifting, and all. All it's ever had to do is power windows and power locks! I'm nervous for that. And for not auto-piloting to the right of the road.