
12 February 2009

Happy Birthday!!

There are a few special people whom I think deserve mention today:

It's Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin!

Both are 200 years old today!! (They were born 12 February 1809; They could have been, like, buds!, y'know?  But they had different jobs to do, I guess.)

To these two guys—and to anyone else out there who is celebrating her or his birth today—

Happy Birthday!!!

(Hmm, ... because we often use the suspension point (or elipsis, or "dot dot dot" or
...) as a pause in speech, I think we should show a pause for dramatic effect with !!!.)

I guess we should have told you earlier !!! you're adopted.)


  1. (response to the adopted line: "you could've brought that to my attention !!! yesterday.")

  2. (Also to the adopted line, concerning Whose Line: "Mom, Dad. !!! I'm adopted.")

    PS, when are you gonna put something new? I need fresh!
